Developer NX Ventures has submitted plans to Design Review to demolish five existing commercial buildings, merge four lots, and construct a 28-story, 411,610-square-foot, mixed-use building with 599 dwelling units (including 58 VLI) and 16,920 square feet of commercial area at 1998 Shattuck in Berkeley, CA. The Design Review Committee will provide any major recommendations before the project goes before the Zoning Adjust Board (“ZAB”). 

NX Ventures is working on the project with the architecture firm Trachtenberg Architects.

Earlier this month, the Landmarks Preservation Commission reviewed the project to consider the significance of the structures being demolished.  They took no action but recommended that ZAB require a visible historical display as part of the project, sharing the story of the block.    


The project is proposed in Downtown Berkeley's C-DMU Outer Core Commercial District. It applies under SB 330 and the State Density Bonus, which allows for an expedited approval process and additional incentives. 

The 28-story, 317-foot-tall project will include 599 dwelling units, 489 studio units, 110 two-bedroom units, and 709 bedrooms.  There will be 13,032 square feet of residential open space, 706 square feet of commercial open space, and a Rooftop restaurant.  154 parking spaces, 256 long-term residential bicycle parking spaces, 18 short-term residential bicycle parking spaces, and 10 commercial bicycle parking spaces.

The project is expected to go before ZAB next month. 

NX Ventures is active in the Berkeley market, with two additional projects, including 105-unit and 207-unit projects.