The applicant proposes demolishing the Los Gatos Lodge and building a multifamily residential development on 8.82 acres. The development would consist of 155 attached units distributed among 28 separate buildings. It would be located at 50 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road.
The approval involves demolishing existing hotel structures (Los Gatos Lodge), constructing a multi-family residential development (155 units), obtaining a conditional use permit, preparing a condominium vesting tentative map, making site improvements requiring a grading permit, and removing large protected trees under Senate Bill 330.
An Initial Study concluded that additional environmental review is not necessary under California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15183: Streamlining Process since the proposed project’s environmental impacts were adequately addressed in the Environmental Impact Reports (EIR) prepared for the 2020 General Plan and/or 2040 General Plan, as applicable.
The Planning Commission will recommend the proposal to the Town Council, making the final decision.
The preliminary application for this project achieved a vesting date of June 30, 2023, before the Town’s Housing Element certification. The applicant has invoked their right to Builder’s Remedy in the project documents, but it has not been implemented. The deviations from the Town’s standards included in the project are requested exclusively through the State Density Bonus Law.
The unit types include two, three, and four bedrooms with multiple floor plans. The buildings would range from four to seven attached dwelling units in a townhouse configuration, each served by private roadways and alleys.
The proposed project includes 155 units, 26 of which would be designated as affordable units.